About us

What is JTracks?

We are proud to provide secondary school educators and their students with a ground-breaking Jewish curriculum. Developed for all UK schools, JTracks guarantees high quality, stimulating and exciting content within every lesson.

Each lesson plan has been specifically designed to empower the teacher by equipping them with a straightforward user journey; from the background information needed ahead of the lesson, through to the PowerPoint presentation and handouts needed in the session itself.

The first Track, Modern Jewish History, has been developed for Year 8 students and aims to bridge the gap between the history of biblical times and that of the modern era. The Israel Studies Track is the step up for Year 9, furthering our students' knowledge about their heritage and identity. Lastly, the Ethical Dilemmas Track equips Year 12 students with the skills to articulate themselves clearly, listen to other viewpoints and debate with conviction.

This three-pronged approach provides JTracks students with the knowledge and skills to express themselves confidently and instils within them the drive to make a meaningful and positive contribution to their community. 

JTracks is a branch of PaJes. PaJes provides services, support and strategy to Jewish schools across the UK.

Modern Jewish History - Years 7/8

This Track consists of 10 modules that uncover the Jewish history of the Modern Era. The journey begins with the Jewish emancipation and continues with the study of immigration, Zionism and the Interwar Years. This track is distinguished for its use of primary sources; bringing each lesson to life in a personal way and leaving students with a deeper understanding of their history.

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Israel Studies - Year 9/10

Through 3 modules, this Track covers a number of important options such as Religion & State and Israeli Culture. The syllabus also covers the history of Israel by starting with The First and Second Aliyah and continues with immigration to Israel across the decades. The engaging content delivered in this Track equips JTracks students with the tools to think independently and critically and to communicate their thoughts in a compelling manner.

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Ethical dilemmas - Year 12/13

Students will tackle challenging topics in this Track such as Ethics of Triage and Artificial Intelligence. These topics will inspire debate and develop a student body of critical thinkers equipped with the ability to listen and reflect upon a diverse viewpoints with respect. The use of Jewish sources will demonstrate that the Jewish approach is valid and relevant in contemporary ethical discussion.

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Linked to each lesson is a webpage of Further Resources containing additional content for teachers to use to gain deeper insight into each lesson topic. Primary sources are referenced here, as well as book and article recommendations and class trip ideas. Teachers may also guide their students here to find further information and activities.

All content provided within the Further Resources webpages are operated by third parties and therefore JTracks takes no responsibility for the content or the availability - please use at your own discretion. All opinions expressed are solely those of the authors themselves and do not reflect the opinions or viewpoint of JTracks. Please ensure that the Further Resources are used in compliance with copyright rules.


Rabbi David Meyer OBE
Executive Director of PaJes

Sharon Radley
Director of JTracks

Mimi Meyer
Researcher for JTracks



Rachel Buckman
(The National Library of Israel)

Karen Ettinger
(The National Library of Israel)

Orli Ilani
(The National Library of Israel)


The Lookstein Center - Bar-Ilan University


Miriam Grant
Educational consultant for JTracks

Rabbi Michael Pollak
Educational advisor

Rabbi Johnny Solomon
Jewish educator at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Machon Ma’ayan & Matan


The Asher and Betty Loftus Charitable Trust

The Genesis Philanthropy Group



Hasmonean High School for Boys

Hasmonean High School for Girls

Immanuel College



Kantor King Solomon High School

King David High School, Liverpool

The King David High School, Manchester

Yavneh College

Contact us

For any enquiries about JTracks and our curriculum please email us here
For more information about PaJeS please visit our website pajes.org.uk